
The Trump Princelings Are Basking In The Swamp

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MAY 31, 2018 “If they actually want to avoid conflicts, Ivanka Trump and her husband and West Wing colleague Jared Kushner must either fully divest their business enterprises or leave their White House jobs.” Last week, Norm Eisen and I published a piece titled “Trump has given us the ultimate […]

Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings – Yahoo News op-ed by Fred Wertheimer and Norm Eisen

Trump has given us the ultimate Chinese import: American princelings Fred Wertheimer and Norman Eisen | May 25, 2018 | Yahoo News In China, princelings are privileged relatives of high-level government officials. Princelings benefit from nepotism and cronyism, using their family ties to conduct business and accumulate wealth. They also serve as conduits for currying […]

Democracy 21 Files FEC Comments Calling For Broad Ad Disclaimer Regulations

Democracy 21 Files FEC Comments Calling For Broad Ad Disclaimer Regulations Democracy 21 today filed comments in a rulemaking proceeding at the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to urge the agency to adopt new regulations that broaden the requirements for the use of “disclaimers” to identify the sponsors of campaign-related ads on the Internet. The rulemaking […]

Opportunities For Historic Democracy Reforms Lie Ahead

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MAY 24, 2018 “This the beginning of a multiyear campaign to respond to the deep concerns of the American people about Washington’s rigged system by passing real reforms that will empower everyday Americans and curb influence money in American politics.“ This week, Democratic reform leaders in Congress unveiled A Better […]

Democracy 21 Strongly Supports Effort Announced by Congressional Leaders Today to Enact Democracy Reforms

Democracy 21 Strongly Supports Effort Announced by Congressional Leaders Today to Enact Democracy Reforms Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 strongly supports the democracy reforms announced today to repair our broken political system. The “A Better Deal for Our Democracy” proposals developed by reform leaders in Congress address fundamental problems that are […]

25 Organizations Endorse Essential Democracy Reforms Announced Today by Congressional Leaders

25 Organizations Endorse Essential Democracy Reforms Announced Today by Congressional Leaders Our organizations strongly endorse the “A Better Deal for Our Democracy” reform package announced today and developed by reform leaders in Congress to pursue essential democracy reforms to repair our broken political system. We look forward to the reform battles that lie ahead to […]

After One Year of the Mueller Investigation, Much Work Must Still Be Done

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MAY 17, 2018 “The national coalition of organizations committed to protecting the Mueller investigation will challenge and respond to Trump and his agents every step of the way.“ Today is the one-year anniversary of the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential […]

Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation is a year old. Too soon to ‘wrap it up.’ – USA Today op-ed by Lisa Gilbert & Fred Wertheimer

Enclosed for your information is an op-ed entitled “Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation is a year old. Too soon to ‘wrap it up.’” by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer and Public Citizen Vice President of Legislative Affairs Lisa Gilbert. The piece was published here in USA Today on May 17, 2018. ——- Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation […]

The Decisions That Robert Mueller Must Make

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | MAY 10, 2018 “This is a time for all concerned citizens to be on alert and prepared to join in nationwide sustained protests if Mueller or Rosenstein is fired or if the investigation is otherwise compromised.” Special Counsel Robert Mueller will be facing some critical decisions in the weeks and […]

Governance Experts Call On Speaker Paul Ryan to Publicly Oppose Threats by Reps Meadows and Jordan to Impeach Deputy AG

Governance Experts Call On Speaker Ryan to Publicly Oppose Threats by Reps Meadows and Jordan to Impeach Deputy AG In a letter sent today to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer and Ambassador (Ret.) Norman Eisen, chief White House ethics lawyer, 2009-11, urged Speaker Ryan to publicly oppose demands being made by […]