
Fred Wertheimer & Norman Eisen op-ed for CNN: Firing Mueller would be catastrophic

This Op-Ed was published on CNN on August 10, 2017 under the title “Firing Mueller would be a catastrophic mistake.” CNN Firing Mueller would be a catastrophic mistake August 10, 2017 Fred Wertheimer & Norman Eisen On October 20, 1973, President Richard Nixon executed the infamous “Saturday Night Massacre” in which Watergate special prosecutor Archibald […]

Watchdogs Urge OGE Not To Grant Certificate of Divestiture to Scaramucci

Watchdogs Urge OGE Not To Grant Certificate of Divestiture to Scaramucci In a letter sent today to Dave Apol, the Acting Director of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Democracy 21 joined an effort led by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to urge OGE not to grant White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci […]

Watchdogs Call On Speaker Ryan & Majority Leader McConnell To Hold August Pro Forma Sessions & Prevent Attorney General Recess Appointment

Watchdog Groups Call On House Speaker Ryan & Majority Leader McConnell To Hold August Pro Forma Sessions & Prevent Attorney General Recess Appointment Watchdog groups today called on House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to follow the approach used in recent years and pass a joint resolution to hold three-day pro […]

Wertheimer Op-Ed In Just Security: President Trump’s Unsurprising Endorsement of Illegal Solicitation – His Campaign Repeatedly Violated Ban On Soliciting Foreign Donations

 Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer in Just Security Op-Ed: President Trump’s Unsurprising Endorsement of Illegal Solicitation–His 2016 Campaign Repeatedly Violated Ban on Soliciting Foreign Donations  In an op-ed published today by Just Security, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer discusses the Trump campaign’s knowing and repeated violations of the ban on foreign contributions during the 2016 […]

GOP Sens & Reps On Record In Opposition To Trump Firing Special Counsel & In Support Of Mueller

 Past Statements By Numerous Republican Senators & Representatives In Opposition To President Trump Firing Special Counsel Mueller & In Support Of Mueller The following statements were made in the past by numerous Republican Senators and Representatives in opposition to President Donald Trump firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and in support of Mr. Mueller as Special […]

Trump Jr., Kushner, Manafort Violated Foreign Solicitation Ban, Watchdogs Allege In Complaints

DOJ & FEC Complaints Against Donald Trump Jr. Supplemented To Include Kushner, Manafort, and Goldstone For Illegally Soliciting & Assisting Solicitation Of Contribution From Foreign National Today Common Cause, the Campaign Legal Center, and Democracy 21 filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) supplementing a complaint […]

CLC, D21 Complaint: Tom Price Violated Law By Using Campaign Funds To Secure HHS Confirmation

CLC, D21 Complaint: Tom Price Violated Law By Using Campaign Funds To Secure HHS Confirmation Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging Tom Price violated federal law by illegally using congressional campaign funds to support his confirmation as President Trump’s Health and Human Services […]

Recent Court Ruling Against Kobach Shows He Cannot Be Trusted With Voter Information

Democracy 21 Says Recent Court Ruling Against Kobach Illustrates His Lack Of Integrity & Shows Why No State Should Trust Him With Any Voter Information Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Last week, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, in his capacity as Vice Chair of President Trump’s controversial Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, […]

Protect Democracy Article Examines Potential Interference To Watch Out For In Russia Investigation

An Article From Protect Democracy Examines Potential Interference To Watch Out For In Special Counsel’s Russia Investigation An article by Legal Director Justin Florence and Counsel Larry Schwartzol of Protect Democracy and posted on Lawfare, examines potential acts of interference into Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation that “would warrant an aggressive congressional response.” “Congress […]

CLC, D21 File Complaint Against Tennessee Congressional Candidate & Others Who Coordinated In Elaborate Scheme To Evade Campaign Finance Law

Campaign Legal Center & Democracy 21 File Complaint Against Tennessee Congressional Candidate, American Conservative Union, And Others Who Coordinated On Elaborate Scheme To Evade Campaign Finance Law Violations include illegal coordination, straw donor schemes, excessive contributions, and failure to report contributions On June 21, 2017, the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 (D21) filed […]