
Govt Accountability Groups Call on Deputy AG to Promptly Appoint an Independent Special Counsel to Handle Russia Investigation

  In a letter sent today to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, twenty-four groups and individuals with expertise in government integrity and accountability expressed deep concern about President Trump’s inappropriate firing of FBI Director James Comey yesterday. The letter called on Rosenstein “to promptly appoint an independent Special Counsel, as authorized by Justice Department regulations, […]

Wertheimer statement: Trump’s Wrongful Firing of FBI Director Requires Outside Counsel

  President Trump’s wrongful firing yesterday of FBI Director James Comey has now eliminated the person who was leading an investigation of the possible involvement of President Trump’s presidential campaign in Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign – an investigation that could possibly reach President Trump himself. Attorney General Sessions’ recommendation to President Trump […]

Nevada Becomes Third State in 2017 to Rescind Previous Call for a Constitutional Convention

  Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer  Nevada yesterday became the third state this year to rescind its previous call for a constitutional convention to adopt a balance budget constitutional amendment. Successful rescission efforts in New Mexico and Maryland earlier this year, along with Nevada’s rescission yesterday, have stopped the momentum of proponents seeking […]

Democracy 21 Urges OGE to Act to Ensure that Kushner’s Conflicts of Interest Problems Regarding China Are Eliminated

  In a letter sent today to Walter Shaub, head of the Office of Government Ethics, Democracy 21 urged Mr. Shaub “to take appropriate action to ensure that Mr. Kushner’s conflicts of interest and appearance of such conflicts regarding his policy responsibilities for matters dealing with China are eliminated.” Democracy 21 forwarded to Mr. Shaub […]

Democracy 21 Calls on Kushner to Disclose Foreign Lenders and Business Associates

Needs to Assure Public There Are No Conflicts of Interest with his Foreign Policy Responsibilities In a letter sent today to White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner, Democracy 21 called on Kushner to make full public disclosure of the foreign business lenders, investors and business associates involved in his extensive business holdings. The letter stated. […]

CLC & Democracy 21 File FEC Complaint Against Trump Inaugural Committee

Trump Inaugural Committee Recklessly Evaded Federal Law’s Donor Disclosure Requirements FEC should penalize committee for failing to accurately collect and report donor information The Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that the inaugural committee for President Donald Trump violated federal law by failing to […]

Fred Wertheimer & Norman Eisen op-ed for CNN on Carl Icahn

Enclosed for your information is an op-ed by Norman Eisen and Fred Wertheimer published by CNN on May 1, 2017, entitled “Trump’s friend Carl Icahn can’t have it both ways.” CNN Trump’s friend Carl Icahn can’t have it both ways May 1, 2017 By Norman Eisen and Fred Wertheimer Carl Icahn, a close friend of […]

President Trump Gets an F for Performance on Government Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in First 100 Days

  In a statement issued today, a group of 17 organizations and individuals with expertise in governance issues gives President Donald Trump an F for his performance on government integrity, transparency and accountability in the first 100 days of his presidency. The statement said, “In the first hundred days of his Administration, President Donald Trump […]

Democracy 21 Says Ethics Rules Require Kushner to Recuse Himself from All China Matters

In a letter sent to Jared Kushner today, Democracy 21 called on President Trump’s Senior Adviser “to publicly announce now that you are recusing yourself from any involvement in a number of policy areas in order to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts.” The letter pointed to Kushner’s “unprecedented White House […]

230 organizations oppose calls for new constitutional convention & warn of dangers

  Today 230 national, state, and local groups are releasing a letter in opposition to calls to convene a new constitutional convention. The letter comes as wealthy special interests groups are increasing their efforts to call a convention for the first time since 1787, and are now just six states away from reaching their goal. The letter […]