
Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post – The Battle to Preserve the Constitution

The Huffington Post The Battle to Preserve the Constitution By: Fred Wertheimer April 13, 2017 A battle over efforts to call a constitutional convention is currently taking place throughout the country. Occurring below the national radar screen, the fight has enormous consequences. Proponents are attempting to pass resolutions in 34 state legislatures that call for […]

Ethics Watchdogs Call on House Ethics Committee to Conduct Thorough & Transparent Investigation into Whether Nunes Violated House Ethics Rules

  Democracy 21, joined by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Government (CREW), sent a letter today to Chairwoman Susan Brooks and Ranking Member Ted Deutch on the House Ethics Committee calling on them to conduct a thorough and publicly credible investigation of the serious questions that have been raised about the conduct of Rep. […]

Nunes Steps Down from Leading Russia Investigation After Democracy 21 & CREW Requested an OCE Inquiry

  On March 28 and again on April 4, Democracy 21, joined by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, requested the Office of Congressional Ethics to conduct an inquiry into whether House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes had disclosed classified information in violation of House Ethics rules. House Rule 23, clause 13 requires a member to swear […]

Ethics Watchdogs Supplement Request to OCE for Inquiry into Whether Nunes Violated House Ethics Rules

  Democracy 21, joined by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Government (CREW), sent a letter today to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) supplementing our March 28, 2017 letter requesting an inquiry by OCE into whether Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, disclosed classified information in violation of House ethics […]

Democracy 21 Commends Ivanka Trump for Changing Position, Agreeing to Become White House Employee

  On March 23, Democracy 21, joined by CREW and the Campaign Legal Center, wrote to White House Counsel Donald McGahn and challenged the arrangement he had approved with regard to Ivanka Trump working in the White House. Under the arrangement approved by Mr. McGahn, Ms. Trump would have had the privileges and opportunities for […]

D21 and CLC Lawsuit Calling for FEC Enforcement Moves Forward

Federal Court Rejects FEC’s Attempt to Dismiss Lawsuit Calling for FEC Investigation into Anonymous Contributions A federal district court today refused to throw out a lawsuit Democracy 21 had joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing against the Federal Election Commission (FEC). CLC and D21 filed the suit in the United States District Court for […]

Ethics Watchdogs Request OCE Inquiry into Whether Rep. Nunes Violated House Ethics Rules

  Democracy 21, joined by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Government (CREW), sent a letter today to the Office of Congressional Ethics asking them to conduct an inquiry into whether Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, disclosed classified information to the public on March 22, 2017 in violation of House ethics rules. […]

Watchdog Groups Challenge White House Counsel Over Terms of Arrangement to Permit White House Role for Ivanka Trump

  Democracy 21, joined by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Government (CREW) and the Campaign Legal Center, sent a letter today to White House Counsel Donald McGahn, challenging the arrangement approved by the Counsel’s office regarding Ivanka Trump’s role in the White House. The watchdog groups expressed “deep concern about the highly unusual and […]

Statement: GSA Ruling Giving Trump a Pass on Trump International Hotel is Nonsense

  The General Services Administration ruled today that the lease for the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC has not been violated by Trump becoming president. The lease, however, prevents any federal official from benefiting from the lease and President Trump, in fact, will benefit from the lease. The GSA ruling is a tortured reading […]

Democracy 21 Urges NY AG to Investigate The Trump Org and Prevent Them from Receiving Illegal Emoluments from Foreign Govts to Benefit Pres. Trump

Democracy 21 sent a letter today to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman that urged Schneiderman to conduct an investigation and “to take whatever steps maybe necessary to prevent The Trump Organization and related Trump businesses from serving as a vehicle, or conduit, for foreign governments to provide payments or other financial benefits that benefit […]