Press Releases Archive

Op-Ed: Catholic Sister Quincy Howard, Arrested For Voting Rights Protest, Explains: “Our Democracy Is Worth It.”

  “We have a national responsibility.” – Dominican Sister Quincy Howard, O.P. In October, Dominican Sister Quincy Howard, O.P., along with other civil rights activists were arrested in Washington, DC for their non-violent protests urging passage of voting rights legislation – the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. “Despite the […]

E.J. Dionne Jr. In The Washington Post: President Biden, Push The Voting Bills Now

“It’s time to make it all about democracy.” – E.J. Dionne Jr. “Precisely because the dangers to democracy often don’t become obvious to everyone until it’s too late, Biden needs to make raising the alarm his priority. ‘We are in a battle for the soul of this nation,’ he said in 2019. We still are,” […]

Democracy 21 Report: A Timeline Of The Senate Filibuster, 1806 – 2021

  View And Download This Report As A PDF By: Fred Wertheimer, President, Democracy 21  |  December 2021 The United States Senate is facing a decision of historic consequence with the fate of our democracy at stake. Will 50 Senators plus the Vice President be able to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and override […]

As Democracy Summit Approaches, President Biden Must Make The Freedom To Vote Act His Absolute Priority, D21 Vice President Matt Keller Writes In The Hill

As the White House prepares to host a Summit for Democracy on December 9, President Joe Biden is “failing in his efforts to restore faith in American Democracy at home and abroad by standing on the sidelines as The Freedom to Vote Act is being blocked by a filibuster in the Senate,” Democracy 21 Vice President Matt Keller writes in an […]

Sue Halpern In The New Yorker: Biden’s Global Democracy Summit Raises An Awkward Question: Can Ours Endure?

In the months since President Joe Biden took office, “the prospects for improving American democracy have dimmed considerably,” Sue Halpern writes today on The New Yorker website. “It’s against this gloomy backdrop that the Biden Administration will be hosting a virtual Summit for Democracy in early December, with invitees from more than a hundred countries. […]

E.J. Dionne Jr. In The Washington Post: “The Hypocrisy Argument On The Filibuster Is Itself Phony”

In a new op-ed, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. lays out the urgent need to reform the filibuster: “[T]he core reason the filibuster must be reformed is the moral imperative of passing bills to defend democracy.” Reforming the filibuster, Dionne writes, is the only way to “undo the voter suppression and election subversion laws […]

Campaign Legal Center, Democracy 21, Common Cause, & CREW File Amicus Brief Supporting The FEC’s Efforts To Prevent Corruption In Ted Cruz Loan Repayment Case

When candidates raise funds after an election to repay personal loans to their own campaigns, the risk of corruption is self-evident and voters lose out on essential knowledge until it is too late.  The Campaign Legal Center (CLC), joined by Democracy 21, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Common Cause, filed an amicus […]

Analysis: Why The Filibuster Rules Must Be Revised In Order To Protect Voting Rights And Save The Senate

  By: Fred Wertheimer, President, Democracy 21 The filibuster is again at the center of an ongoing battle in the Senate over civil rights. Since June, four filibusters have blocked pending voting rights legislation that would protect millions of eligible Americans from losing their ability to vote in federal elections. The right to vote is […]

Senate Republicans Block Consideration Of John Lewis Voting Rights Measure – Marking Fourth Time This Year They’ve Prevented Senate Consideration Of Vital Voting Rights Legislation

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer For the fourth time this year, Senate Republicans have blocked essential voting rights legislation. Today, their obstructionism blocked consideration of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. They previously blocked consideration of the For the People Act in June and again in August, and then, in October, they […]

Recent FEC Ruling That Foreign Interests Can Finance Referendum Campaigns In U.S. Would Be Overturned By Freedom To Vote Act Pending In Senate

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) recently ruled that foreign governments, foreign corporations, and other foreign interests can finance referendum campaigns in the United States. This interpretation of the existing foreign ban on influencing elections in the country has opened the door to unlimited foreign spending to influence high-profile policy issues on ballot initiatives, which often may be […]