Press Releases Archive

New Acting Attorney General Whitaker is Conflicted & Must Not Oversee Mueller Investigation

President Trump has appointed Matthew Whitaker to serve as Acting Attorney General. Whitaker has attacked Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation in the past and cannot be allowed to have anything to do with the investigation now. Members of Congress should immediately demand that Whitaker recuse himself from overseeing the investigation or that he make a […]

Declaration for American Democracy Coalition Announced

The remarks below were given by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer today on a press call announcing the formation of the Declaration for American Democracy coalition. The coalition is made up of 100 national organizations that have pledged to fight for democracy reforms beginning in the next Congress. Opportunities for major political reforms do not […]

Wertheimer Statement: Founding Fathers vs. Donald Trump

Take your pick: Founding Fathers John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, versus Donald Trump. Founding Father John Adams said, “The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state.” Founding Father Thomas Jefferson said, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press.” Founding Father James Madison said, “To […]

107 House Democratic Challengers Call for Congress to Pass Sweeping, Bold Reforms First in 2019 Session

107 House Democratic Challengers Call for Congress to Pass Sweeping, Bold Reforms as the First Item of Business in the 2019 Session In a letter distributed by End Citizens United for them, 107 House Democratic challengers wrote to all members of the House calling for bold, sweeping reforms to restore “faith in our elections and […]

National Organizations and Concerned Citizens Urge Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Not to Resign and to Stay in Office to Protect Mueller Investigation

National Organizations and Concerned Citizens Urge Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Not to Resign and to Stay in Office to Protect Mueller Investigation Thirty-nine national organizations and concerned citizens sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein today urging him not to resign and to continue his service at the Department of Justice. The […]

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Should Not Resign, Mueller Investigation Must be Protected

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Should Not Resign, Mueller Investigation Must be Protected from Trump Obstructing the Investigation Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should not resign because of the controversial and challenged article in The New York Times. Deputy AG Rosenstein has been responsible for ensuring that there is no political interference with the Mueller […]

New York Times Article Provides No Grounds for Trump to Remove Rosenstein and Take Control of the Mueller Investigation

The article in The New York Times today about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was apparently generated by leakers trying to get Rosenstein fired. Mr. Rosenstein has described the allegations in the Times story as “inaccurate and factually incorrect.” The Times article does not provide grounds for President Trump to remove Rosenstein from his current […]

Democracy 21 Challenges Sen. Graham on Abandoning his Pledge to the American People to Protect Mueller Investigation from Interference

Democracy 21 Challenges Sen. Graham on Abandoning his Pledge to the American People to Protect Mueller Investigation from Interference In a letter sent to Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) today, Democracy 21 expressed deep concern about the Senator’s apparent abandonment of his earlier pledge to the American people “to make sure that Mr. Mueller can continue […]

Democracy 21 Files Complaint with Office of Congressional Ethics Against Rep. Duncan Hunter

In a complaint filed today with the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer called on the OCE to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the conduct of Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA). “Rep. Hunter and his wife were apparently ripping off their campaign donors by living off of their campaign contributions in gross […]

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer on Senator John McCain

  I join with innumerable others in our country and throughout the world in expressing my deepest sympathies to Cindy McCain and the McCain family on the loss of Senator John McCain. Senator McCain was a servant of the people in the truest sense of the words and an American hero in many ways. Senator […]