Press Releases Archive

Senate Judiciary Committee Ignores Majority Leader McConnell, Reports Bill to Protect Special Counsel Mueller

Senate Judiciary Committee Ignores Majority Leader McConnell, Reports Bill to Protect Special Counsel Mueller Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 strongly commends the bipartisan majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee for reporting out important legislation today to protect Special Counsel Mueller from being fired without good cause. Democracy 21 offers special praise […]

Watchdog Groups Call for Prompt Passage of Legislation to Protect Mueller, Warn that Firing Rosenstein Crosses a Red Line

Watchdog Groups Call for Prompt Passage of Legislation to Protect Mueller, Warn that Firing Rosenstein Crosses a Red Line In a letter sent to members of Congress, 16 watchdog groups and experts expressed deep concerns about President Trump’s attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the Mueller investigation. […]

27 Reform Groups and Experts Urge Congress to Act Promptly to Pass the Bipartisan Honest Ads Act

27 Reform Groups and Experts Urge Congress to Act Promptly to Pass the Bipartisan Honest Ads Act In a letter sent to Senators and Representatives today, 27 reform organizations and experts called on Members to support the Honest Ads Act, bipartisan legislation introduced in the Senate (S.1989) by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Mark Warner (D-VA) […]

D21 President Fred Wertheimer Statement on Facebook: CEO Zuckerberg & Facebook will bear responsibility if foreign election intervention using Facebook happens again

CEO Zuckerberg And Facebook Will Bear Responsibility For Foreign Election Intervention Using Facebook If That Happens Again In The 2018 Elections Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer It is clear beyond any reasonable doubt that Russia intervened in the 2016 presidential election. There is also no question that the Russian intervention could not have […]

Democracy 21 and CREW file Justice Department complaint requesting investigation into whether Bolton Super PAC and Trump campaign violated criminal law

Democracy 21 and CREW file Justice Department complaint requesting investigation of whether the John Bolton Super PAC and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. violated criminal law In a complaint filed today with the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Democracy 21 and Citizens for […]

D21 President Fred Wertheimer Statement on PA18 Special Election: Wave Elections Override Political Money

PA18: Wave Elections Override Political Money Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer In a wave election year, the wave overrides political money. That is what just happened in the Pennsylvania special election for the 18th Congressional District. According to the latest information provided by Open Secrets, outside groups spent $10.6 million to support the […]

Reform Groups and Watchdogs Urge Congress to Oppose Poison Pill Campaign Finance Riders in FY18 Omnibus Appropriations Bill

In a letter sent today (March 1, 2018) to members of Congress, 24 reform groups and watchdogs strongly urged members to oppose all campaign finance riders from being included in the final FY18 Omnibus Appropriations legislation. One potential rider would demolish the Johnson amendment, which prevents 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations from engaging in campaign activities. More […]

D21 and Other Groups Call Out Speaker Ryan for His Failure to Take Any Action Against Foreign Intervention in Future Elections

In a letter sent today to House Speaker Paul Ryan, fourteen reform groups and watchdogs expressed their deep concern about Ryan’s failure “to take any action to prevent Russia from interfering in our elections in 2018, as Russia plainly did in 2016.” The letter charged that Ryan has “failed to protect the nation’s security, the […]

D21 President Fred Wertheimer Statement on Nunes Memo: Strike Two for Chairman Nunes’ Efforts to Provide Cover for President Trump

Strike Two for Chairman Nunes’ Efforts to Provide Cover for President Trump Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The Nunes memo publicly released today represents the second attempt by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a Trump transition official, to provide cover for President Trump’s indefensible actions. Like the first attempt, this effort will […]

Watchdogs Challenge Irresponsible Nunes Memo that Trump Reportedly May Use to Get Rid of Deputy AG Rosenstein

Watchdogs Challenge Nunes Memo that Trump Reportedly May Use to Get Rid of Deputy AG Rosenstein, A Key Player in Russia/Trump Investigation Watchdogs also Call on Speaker Ryan to Remove Nunes from Any Further Participation in Russia/Trump Investigation Sixteen watchdog groups and individuals sent a letter to House Speaker Ryan today challenging the so-called “Nunes […]