Democracy Reform
We have a broken political system and a corrupt campaign finance system. The American people believe the political system is rigged at their expense and overwhelmingly want the system repaired.
We advocate democracy reforms and develop model legislation.
Democracy 21 Applauds House Passage Of The Presidential Election Reform Act
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Election Integrity Electoral Count Act Presidential Election Day Act loopholeby Jackie HowellDemocracy 21 Strongly Urges House To Pass Lofgren-Cheney Presidential Election Reform Act To Reform Antiquated 19th-Century Laws Governing Presidential Election Process
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Election Integrity Electoral Count Act Presidential Election Day Act loopholeby Jackie HowellThe Sustaining Our Democracy Act Is Essential Legislation To Protect The Integrity Of Our Elections And Democracy
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Election Integrity Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellTrump’s Next Presidential Coup Attempt Could Work Unless Existing Laws Are Repaired, D21 President Fred Wertheimer Warns In New Just Security Op-Ed
|Op Eds, Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Election Interference Electoral Count Act TrumpWatchby Jackie HowellThe New Republic: Will The Democrats Fight To Save Democracy?
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms voter suppression Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellTexas Shows The Big Impact Of Trump’s Big Lie
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Democracy Reforms voter suppressionby Jackie HowellOverwhelming Majority Of American Voters Call Voting Rights A “Very Important” Issue, According To New Poll
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellThe New Jim Crow Laws Are Already Having An Impact On The Primaries
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Democracy Reforms Election Interference voter suppression Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellReforming The Electoral Count Act Does Not Address The Democracy Crisis Facing Our Nation
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Democracy Reforms Electoral Count Act Freedom To Vote Act Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellLeadership Conference On Civil And Human Rights And 53 Other Groups, Including Democracy 21, Urge Congress To Remain Focused On The Fight For Voting Rights
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Electoral Count Act Voting Rightsby Jackie Howell“The Fight Goes On.”
|Fred Wertheimer’s Weekly Note |Democracy Reforms Filibuster Freedom To Vote Act Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellStatement of D21 On The Senate Voting Down A Filibuster Rules Change That Would Have Allowed Voting Rights To Pass By Majority Vote
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Filibuster Freedom To Vote Act Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellWertheimer Op-Ed On “NBC News Think”: Trump And The GOP’s Biggest Voting Rights Lies — And Why They’re Wrong
|Op Eds, Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Filibuster Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellNational Pro-Democracy Coalition Calls On Senate Democrats To Hold The Floor Until The Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act Is Passed
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Filibuster Freedom To Vote Act Voting Rightsby Jackie HowellSports Legends Endorse Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act
|Press Releases |Democracy Reforms Freedom To Vote Act Voting Rightsby Jackie Howell