We have a President hostile to fixing the system and a Congress currently controlled by reform opponents. However, history makes clear that reform issues are cyclical in nature: the kind of scandalous system that exists today has led to major reforms in the past, and can do so again in the future.

Tag Archive for: Democracy Reforms

Crunch Time on Vote By Mail

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 2, 2020 “The coming fight for the money to effectively administer the upcoming election is a battle that must be won if we are to prevent chaos in November.” We are approaching crunch time on whether the states and the Postal Service will receive from Congress the essential money […]

House Passage of Statehood for District of Columbia is Great Victory for D.C. Citizens

House Passage of Statehood for District of Columbia is Great Victory for D.C. Citizens Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer House passage today of statehood for the District of Columbia is a great victory for the citizens of D.C. Our nation was born out of the idea that taxation without representation was abhorrent to […]

Restoring the Voting Rights Act, 7 Years After Shelby

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, which gutted a core provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.The right of every eligible citizen to vote goes to the heart of our constitutional system of representative government. It is the basis upon which the […]

Trump’s Attempts to Delegitimize the 2020 Election Won’t Work

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | May 28, 2020 “Eligible voters should not have to choose between their votes and their lives.” While President Trump rants and raves, falsely, that voting by mail means widespread fraud and will result in a rigged presidential election, there are signs Congress may be getting ready to send the states […]

Wertheimer op-ed: Trump’s Michigan voter fraud comments reveal America’s desperate need for reforms – NBC Think

An op-ed by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer entitled, “Trump’s Michigan voter fraud comments reveal America’s desperate need for reforms,” was published here in NBC Think on May 24, 2020.

$3.6 Billion for Safe Elections

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | May 14, 2020 “These funds are needed now to allow states to begin all the operational steps that are necessary to be ready for the election.” The House is currently scheduled to vote tomorrow on the next stimulus relief package, the HEROES Act, which provides more than $3 trillion to […]

The Election Funding Battle We Must Win

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | April 30, 2020 “It is essential to win this fight now, as time is running out for the states to be able to use the funding effectively in advance of the November election.” The fight over providing money for the states to run their November elections is now underway in […]

Protecting the Vote in a Pandemic

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | April 23, 2020 “The battle to ensure that every eligible voter gets to vote is at the heart of the fundamental role played by the right to vote in our constitutional system of representative government.” The battle lines are now drawn on the critical issue of whether Congress will provide […]

Mitch McConnell vs. Fair Elections

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | April 16, 2020   President Trump has been a dangerous threat to our democratic values, our constitutional system of government, and now, with his incompetent and narcissistic pandemic performance, to the very lives of untold numbers of Americans. That’s why the November presidential election is considered by many to be […]

Protect the Vote

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | April 9, 2020 “No voter in America should have to risk their life in order to cast their vote. “ The despicable actions taken by Republican Wisconsin officeholders forced Wisconsin voters this week to make a terrible choice: either risk your life to vote in person or forfeit your sacred […]