We have a President hostile to fixing the system and a Congress currently controlled by reform opponents. However, history makes clear that reform issues are cyclical in nature: the kind of scandalous system that exists today has led to major reforms in the past, and can do so again in the future.

Tag Archive for: Democracy Reforms

Nevada Becomes Third State in 2017 to Rescind Previous Call for a Constitutional Convention

  Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer  Nevada yesterday became the third state this year to rescind its previous call for a constitutional convention to adopt a balance budget constitutional amendment. Successful rescission efforts in New Mexico and Maryland earlier this year, along with Nevada’s rescission yesterday, have stopped the momentum of proponents seeking […]

230 organizations oppose calls for new constitutional convention & warn of dangers

  Today 230 national, state, and local groups are releasing a letter in opposition to calls to convene a new constitutional convention. The letter comes as wealthy special interests groups are increasing their efforts to call a convention for the first time since 1787, and are now just six states away from reaching their goal. The letter […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post – The Battle to Preserve the Constitution

The Huffington Post The Battle to Preserve the Constitution By: Fred Wertheimer April 13, 2017 A battle over efforts to call a constitutional convention is currently taking place throughout the country. Occurring below the national radar screen, the fight has enormous consequences. Proponents are attempting to pass resolutions in 34 state legislatures that call for […]

Reform Groups Oppose Efforts by House Admin Committee to Terminate Presidential Public Financing & EAC

In a letter sent today to members of the House Administration Committee, a group of 43 organizations and individuals with expertise in governance issues strongly opposed bills being considered tomorrow by the committee to terminate the Presidential Election Campaign Fund and the Election Assistance Commission (EAC).  (See below for a full list of the signers of […]

Reform Groups Applaud House Democrats Comprehensive Reform Package to Fix Political System

  The following statement is being issued today by the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, CREW, Democracy 21, Democracy Matters, Every Voice, People For the American Way, Public Citizen, Rootstrikers project at Demand Progress, U.S. PIRG and Voices for Progress. Our organizations applaud House Democrats for the comprehensive reform package they offered today to fix our […]

Fred Wertheimer for SCOTUS Blog on McDonnell decision

Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer on June 28, 2016 published by piece in SCOTUS Blog entitled “McDonnell decision substantially weakens the government’s ability to prevent corruption and protect citizens.” In the piece, Fred Wertheimer says, “The Court has substantially weakened the legal protections that currently exist against government corruption.” The piece concludes: “The American people are […]

Democracy 21 Attacks Supreme Court’s McDonnell Decision Which Legalizes Sale of Certain Actions by Public Officials for Personal Gain

  Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer  Democracy 21 is very disappointed in today’s Supreme Court decision in the McDonnell case, which greatly undermines the interests of the American people in honest and fair public officials. The Supreme Court decision belies reality. If you show the facts in the case to any citizen, the […]

Statement by Reform Groups on Campaign Finance Reform Package Unveiled Yesterday by Senate Democrats

The American people overwhelmingly want their elections to be of, by and for the people. They want everyone’s voice to have a chance to be heard in Washington, D.C. They want the barriers reduced that prevent qualified people from running for and serving in public office. In short, they object to today’s big money campaign […]

Democracy 21 Statement on Senate Democratic Reform Package

It goes without saying that our campaign finance system is completely broken. We haven’t seen this kind of big money flooding into our political system since the Robber Baron era.  According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics: – The top ten donors and their spouses have given more than $100 million; – Eighty-nine […]

Reform Groups Strongly Oppose Constitutional Convention; Would Put Constitutional Rights at Risk

Statement by the Brennan Center, Center for Media and Democracy, Common Cause, CREW, Democracy 21 and People For the American Way Efforts are being undertaken in state legislatures to pass resolutions calling for a constitutional convention to send various constitutional amendments to the states for ratification. If these efforts are successful, it would result in […]