We have a President hostile to fixing the system and a Congress currently controlled by reform opponents. However, history makes clear that reform issues are cyclical in nature: the kind of scandalous system that exists today has led to major reforms in the past, and can do so again in the future.

Tag Archive for: Democracy Reforms

D21 President Fred Wertheimer On Senate GOP Blocking Of Voting Rights Legislation & What’s Ahead

Senate Republicans Again Block Legislation To Override Unprecedented Voter Suppression Laws In The States Senate Democrats Set Voting Rights Legislation As First Order Of Business In September; Must Bypass Republican Filibuster To Prevent Millions Of Americans From Losing Their Right To Vote Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Senate Republicans blocked consideration of voting […]

D21 President Fred Wertheimer On Trump’s “Rip-Off” Fundraising Scheme

   TRUMP WATCH: The Grift Continues Statement Of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer On Donald Trump’s “Rip-Off” Use Of Recurring Donation Buttons In Fundraising From his Mar-A-Lago bunker and super-spreader rallies, Donald Trump continues to spread his Big Lie about the presidential election being stolen from him. Trump is fomenting dangerous distrust of our democracy […]

How To Loosen The Hold Rich People Have On Our Elections

“Our democracy is at risk if the wealthy and powerful are secretly providing huge amounts to support federal candidates to serve their interests and suppress the participation of ordinary people without their knowing.” A recent New Yorker investigation by Jane Mayer, “linked two dangerous threats to American democracy today – election subversion and dark money,” former federal […]

New Vote On S. 1 Could Be Soon; Small Donor Financing Provisions Must Stay In Bill

There are published reports today that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will schedule a second procedural vote in the coming days on the For the People Act. This pending legislation will protect voting rights, stop Washington political money corruption, and prevent partisan gerrymandering. A companion bill, H.R. 1, passed the House in March. Senate Republicans are […]

A Major Breakthrough On Voting Rights & Democracy Reform

There was a major breakthrough Wednesday on voting rights and other democracy reforms when Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), previously an opponent of S. 1, the For the People Act, said he and other Senate Democrats were drafting a revised bill. According to The Washington Post, Senator Manchin said a new bill could be released in […]

39 Diverse New York Organizations Call On Senate Majority Leader Schumer To Do “Everything In Your Power” To Pass S. 1 And Protect Public Financing Provisions In The Legislation

“As the coalition that fought for and won a public financing of elections program in New York State, we write specifically to urge that public financing of elections with small donor matching not be removed from the For the People Act in the final hour.” Thirty-nine diverse New York organizations that led the fight to establish a […]

We Need Action, Not Just Words, From President Biden On Voting Rights

“Establishing federal rules to protect the sacred right to vote should be a top priority for President Biden and his Administration. It may be by Biden’s words, but, to date, it is not by Biden’s actions,” Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer writes in a new op-ed published on Medium and originally released in Wertheimer’s Political Report on July 22, […]

We Need Action, Not Just Words, From President Biden On Voting Rights

President Biden in his passionate voting rights speech on July 13, said, “Perhaps the most important of those things — the most fundamental of those things — is the right to vote.” The President also said in the speech, “It’s up to all of us to protect that right [to vote]. This is a test of our time.” So […]

It’s Time to Act on Voting Rights

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | July 15, 2021 “It is time for the Senate to pass legislation to ensure that every eligible American in this country has the right and ability to vote in federal elections.” President Joe Biden said this week about the attacks on voting rights in the states: “[We] are facing the […]

President Biden Must Back Up the Powerful Words of His Speech with Real Action to Pass Voting Rights Legislation

President Biden Must Back Up the Powerful Words of His Speech with Real Action to Pass Voting Rights Legislation Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer President Biden made a powerful and impassioned speech today for protecting the sacred right to vote. But now President Biden must show that his words are backed up by […]