Today’s badly broken campaign finance system benefits wealthy interests, and leaves hundreds of millions of ordinary Americans on the outside looking in at Washington’s rigged system.

Tag Archive for: Money In Politics

Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United Case is Disaster for American People and Dark Day for the Court

Destructive Decision Turns Back Clock to 19th Century; Chief Justice Roberts Abandons His Public Commitment to “Judicial Modesty” and “Respect for Precedent” Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Today’s Supreme Court decision in theCitizens United case is a disaster for the American people and a dark day for the Supreme Court. The decision will […]

The Federal Election Administration Act of 2003

  The Federal Election Administration Act of 2003   Structure of the FEA   §         The Federal Election Administration Act of 2003 (Act) creates a new independent agency, the Federal Election Administration (FEA), to replace the Federal Election Commission (FEC).  The three-member FEA will consist of a chairman and two other members, all of whom […]

Democracy 21 Report: No Bark, No Bite, No Point

Democracy 21 Report: No Bark, No Bite, No Point In 2002, a task force of campaign finance and enforcement experts convened by Democracy 21 issued a 142-page report documenting the failure of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to carry out its enforcement responsibilities and setting forth a detailed proposal for establishing a new agency to […]