Fred’s Weekly Note Archive

Mueller Indictment Opens The Door To A Government Response On Russian Election Meddling

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | FEBRUARY 22, 2018 “By spelling out in stunning detail how the Russians carried out their attacks on our elections, the Mueller indictment has opened the door to our government responding.” The indictment brought last week by Special Counsel Robert Mueller against Russian individuals and entities for intervening in the 2016 […]

It’s A Disgrace That Trump & GOP Congress Have Not Acted To Prevent Future Russian Election Meddling

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | FEBRUARY 15, 2018 “It is a national disgrace that Trump and the Republican leadership in Congress have taken no action to prevent Russia from sabotaging U.S. elections.” The heads of the nation’s intelligence agencies agreed in Senate testimony this week that “Russia is continuing efforts to disrupt the U.S. political system and […]

Speaker Ryan’s Failure To Help Protect Our Elections Is Indefensible And Inexcusable

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | FEBRUARY 8, 2018 “Speaker Ryan, your failure to move any legislation towards passage and thus your failure to help protect the integrity and security of our elections is indefensible and inexcusable.” Yesterday, NBC News reported that the U.S official responsible for protecting our elections from hacking confirmed that the Russians “successfully penetrated the […]

Trump’s Art Of The Lie And Historic First Year Failures

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | FEBRUARY 1, 2018 “President Trump’s disregard and disdain for the rule of law is a serious threat to our democratic norms and to our constitutional system of government.” Democracy 21 and Common Cause issued a report this week entitled, “The Art of the Lie: Trump’s Historic First Year Failure on […]

House Intel Chair Nunes Continues His Irresponsible Actions In The Russia Investigation

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 24, 2018 “It is way past time for Speaker Ryan to completely remove Chairman Nunes from the irresponsible role he is playing in the Russia investigation.” President Trump’s allies in Congress are doing everything they can to undermine the Special Counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential […]

More Erratic And Untrustworthy Behavior From President Trump

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 18, 2018 “For someone who believes ratings are the be all and end all, President Trump is not doing all that well.” President Trump’s erratic behavior and inability to keep his word have real consequences. The adage “My word is my bond” is viewed as essential in the world […]

Mueller’s Actions On Russia — Not Congress’s — Will Rule The Day

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 11, 2018 “Speaker Ryan needs to be held publicly accountable for his refusal to do anything about the dangers to our democracy caused by the Russian interference in our elections.” When President Trump tweeted this week that Congressional Republicans need to “finally take control!” of the Russia investigation, he […]

Rep. Nunes is demeaning his office and failing the American people

FRED WERTHEIMER’S WEEKLY NOTE | JANUARY 4, 2018 “[Rep.] Nunes was a member of the Trump transition team and based on his performance as Intelligence Committee Chair, he apparently believes his job is to represent President Trump and not the House of Representatives or the American people.” The Trump-Bannon war triggered by the publication of […]