Today’s badly broken campaign finance system benefits wealthy interests, and leaves hundreds of millions of ordinary Americans on the outside looking in at Washington’s rigged system.

Tag Archive for: Money In Politics

Reform Groups Strongly Urge Opposition to Republican Efforts to Use Appropriations Bill to Damage Campaign Finance Laws

Reform groups sent a letter this morning to the Democratic Senators serving on the Senate Appropriations Committee strongly urging the Senators to oppose any effort by Senator McConnell to insert a provision that would undermine the campaign finance laws into the year-end appropriations bill or bills. According to an article in POLITICO yesterday, “Senate Democrats […]

Reform Groups Urge Senators to Oppose Sen. McConnell’s Efforts to Sneak Campaign Finance Revision into Appropriations Bill

Reform groups today sent a letter to the Senate urging Senators to oppose Senator McConnell’s efforts to sneak in a revision in the campaign finance laws into an omnibus appropriations bill. The letter is enclosed below. Dear Senator, Our groups strongly oppose an effort being made by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell to sneak a […]

Fred Wertheimer for Huffington Post “2014 Election Confirms Citizens United Decision Based on Fundamentally Flawed Premises”

The Huffington Post 2014 Election Confirms Citizens United Decision Based on Fundamentally Flawed Premises By: Fred Wertheimer The 2014 congressional elections confirmed that the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United was based on fundamentally flawed premises. The Court majority in Citizens United explicitly based its misguided decision on two grounds: campaign expenditures by outside groups […]

FEC Issues Seriously Flawed Regulations Today to Implement Citizens United, Nearly Five Years After Decision

Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The FEC issued seriously flawed regulations today to implement the Citizens United decision.  The regulations come nearly five years after the Supreme Court decided the case and provide yet another example of the dysfunction that characterizes the agency. Incredibly, the FEC left out of its action today the […]

Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens Criticizes Supreme Court Decision in McCutcheon Case

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens gave an important speech last week in Washington, D.C. in which he criticized the Supreme Court’s recent campaign finance decision in the McCutcheon case. In that case, a 5-4 Court majority struck down the federal limits on the total contributions an individual could make to all candidates and all […]

Fred Wertheimer – “Did Chief Justice Roberts Dissemble or did the Chief Justice Have no Idea What He Was Talking About?”

In the recently decided McCutcheon case, Chief Justice Roberts in his opinion breezily dismissed examples submitted in briefs by Democracy 21 and others of what would happen if the Supreme Court struck down the limits on the total contributions an individual could give to federal candidates and political parties. The examples before the Supreme Court […]

Fred Wertheimer for SCOTUSblog on McCutcheon & the Supreme Court

Symposium: The Supreme Court and the McCutcheon decision The Supreme Court majority in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission has continued on its step-by-step path to destroy the nation’s campaign finance laws. The Court in McCutcheon overturned forty years of national policy and thirty-eight years of judicial precedent to strike down the overall limits on the total contributions an individual […]

Fred Wertheimer “The Consequences of Today’s Disastrous Decision by the Supreme Court Majority in the McCutcheon Case”

The Supreme Court today struck down the overall limits on the total amounts that an individual could give to party committees and to federal candidates in a two-year election cycle. With its decision, the Court overturned 40 years of national policy and 38 years of judicial precedent. The Court today held that the overall contribution […]

Fred Wertheimer Statement on McCutcheon vs FEC

Supreme Court Continued Today on its March to Destroy the Nation’s Campaign Finance Laws Enacted to Prevent Corruption The Supreme Court in the McCutcheon decision today overturned 40 years of national policy and 38 years of judicial precedent to strike down the overall limits on the total contributions from an individual to federal candidates and […]

Fred Wertheimer on MSNBC: “Did Citizens United Corrupt Elections?”

MSNBC Did Citizens United Corrupt Elections? In an interview with Chuck Todd on his show, The Daily Rundown, Wertheimer explains that the McCain-Feingold law prohibiting unlimited contributions to political parties accomplished its purposes and is not part of the problem today. Wertheimer also discusses the Citizens United decision and the very serious problems it has […]