Today’s badly broken campaign finance system benefits wealthy interests, and leaves hundreds of millions of ordinary Americans on the outside looking in at Washington’s rigged system.

Tag Archive for: Money In Politics

Democracy 21 applauds DC Circuit Court of Appeals decision to uphold constitutionality of campaign contribution limits

Democracy 21 applauds DC Circuit Court of Appeals decision to uphold constitutionality of campaign contribution limits Democracy 21 is pleased by today’s unanimous decision by the en banc D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Holmes v. FEC to uphold the constitutionality of the per-election limits on contribution to candidates in federal elections. Currently, federal law […]

A 10-Point Plan to Drain the Swamp (RealClearPolicy op ed by Fred Wertheimer and Norman Eisen)

The op-ed below was published in RealClearPolicy here on Wednesday, November 15, 2017.   A 10-Point Plan to Drain the Swamp by Fred Wertheimer and Norman Eisen Those who oppose Donald Trump — of whatever party or ideology — celebrated the recent elections in Virginia, New Jersey, and across the country. But this will not […]

Democracy 21 files FEC rulemaking comments on foreign spending to influence federal elections and online ad disclosure

Democracy 21 files rulemaking comments with FEC, calls on Commission to address foreign spending to influence federal elections, and to update regulations governing online ad disclosure In rulemaking comments filed today with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer called on the Commission to take action, through enforcement and stronger regulations, to […]

U.S. Politics Are Rigged. It’s Time For a Small-Donor Revolution — Fred Wertheimer Op Ed for NBC Think

U.S. Politics Are Rigged. It’s Time For a Small-Donor Revolution By: Fred Wertheimer | NBC Think The 2018 midterm elections have already begun, following the pattern set by the 2016 presidential race — which was the greatest onslaught of big money in U.S political history. Now a new record looks likely to be set for […]

Groups call on Facebook and Google to support Honest Ads Act and take all steps necessary to prevent future foreign election intervention on their platforms

Civic Groups Call on Facebook and Google to Support Honest Ads Act and to Take All Steps Necessary to Prevent Russia from Using their Platforms to Sabotage Future U.S. Elections In letters sent today to Facebook President and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google leaders Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Sundar Pichai, more than 15 civic […]

Twenty-seven reform organizations and experts urge Senators to support bipartisan Honest Ads Act

Twenty-seven reform organizations and experts urge Senators to support bipartisan Honest Ads Act In a letter sent to Senators today, 27 reform organizations and experts called on Senators to “to co-sponsor and support the Honest Ads Act, bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar, Mark Warner and John McCain, to address the need for new […]

Wertheimer op-ed: Citizens United Has Been a Disaster for the Country: A Response to Sen. McConnell Attorney Floyd Abrams

Citizens United Has Been a Disaster for the Country: A Response to Senator McConnell Attorney Floyd Abrams Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer published an op-ed today in Huffington Post, titled “Citizens United Has Been a Disaster for the Country.” This op-ed rebuts claims made by Floyd Abrams in The Wall Street Journal in an op-ed […]

Democracy 21 endorses Honest Ads Act introduced today by Sens. Klobuchar, Warner, McCain to expose and limit foreign intervention in US Elections

Democracy 21 Endorses Honest Ads Act Introduced Today by Senators Klobuchar, Warner and McCain to Expose and Limit Foreign Intervention in Future U.S. Elections Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Democracy 21 strongly supports the Honest Ads Act, bipartisan legislation introduced today by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Mark Warner (D-VA) and John McCain (R-AZ). […]

Wertheimer Statement: VP Pence’s Chief of Staff Proposes Big Donors Engage in Equivalent of “Political Blackmail”

Vice President Pence’s Chief of Staff Proposes Big Donors Engage in Equivalent of “Political Blackmail,” Makes Powerful Case for Public Financing of Federal Elections Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer According to a news report yesterday in Politico, Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff, Nick Ayers, recently urged a roomful of wealthy Republican […]

Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 applaud FEC action fining government contractor for PAC contributions

FEC Fines Government Contractor that Gave Hillary Clinton Super PAC $200,000 in Illegal Contributions Suffolk Construction Company pays $34,000 fine, following Campaign Legal Center-Democracy 21 complaint; Priorities USA Action refunds the contribution WASHINGTON – In response to a complaint filed by Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 (D21), the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has […]