Today’s badly broken campaign finance system benefits wealthy interests, and leaves hundreds of millions of ordinary Americans on the outside looking in at Washington’s rigged system.

Tag Archive for: Money In Politics

Democracy 21 President Strongly Endorses “We the People Democracy Reform Act of 2017” introduced today

Democracy 21 Strongly Endorses the “We the People Democracy Reform Act” Introduced Today by Senator Udall and Rep. Price Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The “We the People Democracy Reform Act of 2017” (Act) introduced today by Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and Representative David Price (D-NC) provides a comprehensive package of  reforms to […]

Reform Groups Urge House Members to Oppose Campaign Finance Riders in House Financial Services Appropriations Bill

Groups Urge House Members to Oppose Campaign Finance Riders in House Financial Services Appropriations Bill In a letter sent to House members, more than 20 organizations called on the Representatives to oppose four campaign finance riders attached to the House Financial Services Appropriations bill, scheduled to be considered today, September 7, 2017. (See below for […]

Wertheimer Op-Ed In Just Security: President Trump’s Unsurprising Endorsement of Illegal Solicitation – His Campaign Repeatedly Violated Ban On Soliciting Foreign Donations

 Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer in Just Security Op-Ed: President Trump’s Unsurprising Endorsement of Illegal Solicitation–His 2016 Campaign Repeatedly Violated Ban on Soliciting Foreign Donations  In an op-ed published today by Just Security, Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer discusses the Trump campaign’s knowing and repeated violations of the ban on foreign contributions during the 2016 […]

Trump Jr., Kushner, Manafort Violated Foreign Solicitation Ban, Watchdogs Allege In Complaints

DOJ & FEC Complaints Against Donald Trump Jr. Supplemented To Include Kushner, Manafort, and Goldstone For Illegally Soliciting & Assisting Solicitation Of Contribution From Foreign National Today Common Cause, the Campaign Legal Center, and Democracy 21 filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) supplementing a complaint […]

CLC, D21 Complaint: Tom Price Violated Law By Using Campaign Funds To Secure HHS Confirmation

CLC, D21 Complaint: Tom Price Violated Law By Using Campaign Funds To Secure HHS Confirmation Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 filed a complaint today with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging Tom Price violated federal law by illegally using congressional campaign funds to support his confirmation as President Trump’s Health and Human Services […]

CLC, D21 File Complaint Against Tennessee Congressional Candidate & Others Who Coordinated In Elaborate Scheme To Evade Campaign Finance Law

Campaign Legal Center & Democracy 21 File Complaint Against Tennessee Congressional Candidate, American Conservative Union, And Others Who Coordinated On Elaborate Scheme To Evade Campaign Finance Law Violations include illegal coordination, straw donor schemes, excessive contributions, and failure to report contributions On June 21, 2017, the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Democracy 21 (D21) filed […]

Supreme Court Affirms Constitutionality of Political Party Soft Money Ban in Order Issued Today

  Statement of Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer The Supreme Court this morning summarily affirmed the lower court decision in Republican Party of Louisiana v. FEC.  Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch noted they would have set the case for argument.  In the case, the Louisiana Republican Party challenged the rules in the Bipartisan Campaign […]

D21 and CLC Lawsuit Calling for FEC Enforcement Moves Forward

Federal Court Rejects FEC’s Attempt to Dismiss Lawsuit Calling for FEC Investigation into Anonymous Contributions A federal district court today refused to throw out a lawsuit Democracy 21 had joined the Campaign Legal Center in filing against the Federal Election Commission (FEC). CLC and D21 filed the suit in the United States District Court for […]

Groups Urge Senators to Support Disclosure Bill to Address Trump’s Emoluments Clause Problems Relating to Trade Activities

  In a letter sent today to senators, a group of 18 organizations and individuals with expertise in governance issues strongly urged senators to support and cosponsor the Presidential Trade Transparency Act of 2017. The Act, sponsored by Sen. Ron Wyden and other senators, would require a president to disclose his foreign income, assets and liabilities […]

Reform Groups File Amicus Brief Defending Law Limiting Corrupt ‘Soft-Money’ Contributions to State and Local Parties

  Democracy 21 joined with Public Citizen and the Campaign Legal Center in filing an amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court defending the constitutionality of contribution limits to state and local parties used for federal electioneering purposes, established by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA). Before BCRA’s enactment, state parties could use unlimited […]